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Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013

As the world is witnessing the government of turkey literally trampling human rights under foot, these pictures show some bright spots in dark times to gain hope from. #WeAreGezi hashtag trending in turkey, join the tweetstorm! #ÇapulcularTakipleşirse See the everyday im chapulling (çapuling = looting) video at the end of this post! RT and share!

Owly Images

Everyday im chapulling video goin viral!
Chapulling on wikipedia

Source:Alihan OLCAR

Here's a video of peaceful protests in Istanbul.
Source: diren gezi from iek films on Vimeo.

This post will be updated with pictures clearly showing excessive police brutality against protesters in turkey. Warning: violent content! Personally I really hope, that justice will be brought to the people of turkey. Escecially to all those brave protestors demanding their rights and seeking for freedom. The cruel fact, that such a movement is beeing suppressed by brutal government crackdown, is not acceptable. Therefore know.your.system feels a need to collect evidence of those crimes, while asking all mankind to stand up in solidarity with the turkish people.

Major news portals reported today, that police started arresting twitter users for allegedly spreading 'misinformation' using social media to call for protest. reffered to 25 individuals beeing arrested on Wednesday in Izmir accused of using Twitter and social media to stoke anti-government sentiment during protests!

On twitter Voice of Turkey reports of Ethem Sarisuluk supposedly beeing shot by police June 2nd, now died. Doctors claimed him brain dead. This will not be forgotten - our deepest condolences...
Source: HuffPost, BirGün

The picture below is showing Ankara riot police on the streets. Pay attention to their helmets - you can clearly see, how they covered their ID numbers on the back of their helmets! Considering the crimes they are committing - no surprise there!!!
Others show police forces targeting watercannons, pepper spray and chemicals directly in the face of unarmed protesters. Kicking defenseless people on the ground beeing outnumbered 1:10. Teargas canisters are beeing fired on the people and police again aiming for the head - this can have lethal effect.


Another video from Ankara showing a police attack without any reason.

Here is some good news from turkey. To spread awareness about the #occupygezi protests, activists Murat Aktihanoglu, Oltac Unsal, and Dugyu Atacan started a fundraising campaign on indiegogo.

Read the title:

"Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action"

Activists - We hear you. Protesters - We are you. You have power. You can speak your mind at the New York Times!

The initial goal was set to $53'800 to be reached in 30 days. Only 4 days later, with 26 days still left, they already raised $90,771. This is amazing and a beautiful proof of our international solidarity.

Thanks to all people supporting the cause!

Here is the full page ad, which was published on diren gezi park's official facebook page:

Spread the news and support the people of turkey!

Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013

Breaking news from turkey via twitter, showing us another example of how the system works.
Reportedly Burker King turned away injurned protesters, only to give away free meals to police.

Can't call that surprising - a major fast food corporation to support government forces...
It's obvious who is working together and why. Think back to the starting point of the meanwhile nationwide protests, back to gezi park beeing threatened with extinction by a shopping mall. A quite similar example of the turkish government representing corporate interests and not the people's.

The only real answer to this is beeing picked up by fellow twitter users under the hashtag #boycottburgerking
Spread the word and share this to the world! Boycott Burger King! Show them, that we don't want to eat their shit! Not even for free!!!

Hundreds of Erdogan's thugs are preparing themself for protests tonight in Instabul.

Beside this, the protesters in the Gezi Park have build an outdoor library. A good example how peaceful and harmless the protesters are.

Source: Twitter and OccupyGezi

This post goes out to all the people in turkey suffering from the police brutality - getting beaten, attacked by watercannons, sprayed with chemicals and robbed of their basic human rights...
According to a liveleak post from yesterday evening the Turkish Medical Association reported at least 3,195 people had been injured in clashes Sunday and Monday.
These figures are reported simulaneously with the death of Abdullah Cömert, 22, according to a member of the youth branch of the opposition party, who was shot in the head in Antakya last night. Protesters claim police responsible for the cruel execution of our brother Abdullah.

Our thoughts are with the friends and the family members of Abdullah Cömert - may you rest in peace.
Turkey and all the world is mourning for you.

This picutre shows the place where Abdullah was shot in the head last night.

Voice of Turkey twittered this morning:

People of hatay gather this afternoon for a funeral pray devoted to Abducan - Abdullah Cömert.
Twitterpost of the farewell procession in hatay. RIP Abdocan.

Source:Can Ertuna
5th day resistance in Istanbul Turkey, Small video to encourage all the people who stand against the government for our cause. Media and TV Channels in Turkey wont be forgiven for not broadcasting the violent events taking place in taksim and besiktas. Spread and Share the Words*Videos*Photos* for the universal rights of Speech Freedom. Thanks all who share our thoughts and stand with us. 

Source:Ferit Katipoğlu
This is a collection of livestream channels from locals on the ground all over turkey. Since mainstream media has gone on blackout about the government crackdown, people from turkey are streaming to document the excessive police brutality against protesters.

Naber Medya


Some pictures of the Diren Gezi Parkı riots.

Source: and Twitter
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